Don’t Post These on The Internet

We all agree the internet sometimes can make you feel seen, heard or give voice to the voiceless but with all that benefits comes the risk.

While it is easy to find your community or gain a platform, it is also easy to get destroyed. Stalkers and Hacker constantly monitoring to get every little details about your life or worst – Big Tech!

Tech companies tasked to keep you safe on the internet are looking for data to profit off you. The benefits of the internet or social media can be from being at the top of your class in school or being 6ft under – there are countless stories.

To keep yourself safe and protected online and offline, take your power to your hands. Read carefully and practice these 10 things you shouldn’t post on the internet.

1. Your home address

Either written or unwritten, it is a common knowledge that you shouldn’t doxx individuals on the internet. For you, that means do not post your home address. Be mindful of the pictures you take, conversations you have, whatever can make it easy for anyone to locate you avoid putting it on the internet.

2. Your current location

Same as the first, it is always advisable to “post where you’ve been and not where you are.” A lot of people ignorantly think this rule applies to those with ops but here’s a shocker we all have ops. Just like they say, better safe than sorry.

3. Full Government Issued ID

The boss level of individual data scrappers are your IDs, specifically those issued by the government. In Nigeria, if someone have your NIN or BVN it is very easy to ruin your life. I just can’t fathom all crimes that can be committed with your identity.

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4. Passwords

When having conversations in DMs, you can be so moved by the conversation or individual and be compelled to handout your secret password – please don’t. These kinds of information need to be shared with extra layer of protection and keep in mind what I told you about government issued ID.

5. Flight Plans/Tickets

Be a Nigerian when it comes to this. Only tell people you’ve landed hours or days later. It can be a fun and exciting news to let people know you’re traveling from a Point A to Point B but this kind of information are better kept secrets. This also involves tickets, don’t post images or details of your tickets. When taken travel pictures be mindful the details you end up posting, screen twice of necessary.

6. Intimate Photos

Sadly, we live in a world of leaks; personal data or bedroom photos can easily be leaked as it is easy to share. Unless there’s 100% unbreakable trust it is always advised not to, for any reason share this category of photos.

This is obviously an advice and to all adults, you are capable of making your own decisions as long as you’re aware of the risk. Please share to others!

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